Celebrate Christmas! (2)

‘This day is holy.’ Nehemiah 8:9 KJV The word holiday comes from the Old English word haligdæg, which means ‘holy day’. So, when Nehemiah announced, ‘This day is holy,’ he was declaring a celebration; a time to ‘eat and drink before the Lord.’ (1 Chronicles 29:22 KJV)...

Celebrate Christmas! (1)

‘I am like an evergreen tree, yielding My fruit to you throughout the year.’ Hosea 14:8 TLB The word ‘celebrate’ means to rejoice, delight in, revel, and appreciate. Pastor Jack Hayford writes: ‘There is so much done in the name of Christmas that is neither pleasing...

The best gift ever!

‘I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.’ Luke 2:10 NIV For many people Christmas is filled with dread instead of delight. Author Jon Walker writes this: ‘I’m sitting in a fast–food restaurant observing a young girl celebrating an early...

Handling Your Money Wisely (3)

‘He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house.’ Proverbs 15:27 NKJV J. Paul Getty was worth over four billion dollars. He was considered the richest man on earth at the time. The Los Angeles Times quoted something Getty wrote: ‘I have never been given to envy,...

Handling Your Money Wisely (2)

‘Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth.’ Deuteronomy 8:18 NKJV Next to teaching your children how to walk with God, you will never teach them a more important life lesson than how to handle their money wisely. Dr James Merritt...