You Can Begin Your Life Over Again

Jan 17, 2022

‘As he thinks within himself, so he is.’Proverbs 23:7 NASB

It was a long, hard road that took the Chandler family out of the cotton fields and out of poverty in Mississippi. All nine children have memories of the sharecroppers’ cabin and having nothing to wear or to eat. But today, all nine share the same inspiring success story. Their parents borrowed $2.50 to buy a bus ticket for their son Cleveland so he could go to college. Cleveland worked his way through school, and became Chairman of the Economics Department at Howard University. He helped his brother Luther attend the University of Omaha, and Luther became the public service employee manager for Kansas City. Luther helped his brother James get to Omaha, and then to Yale for graduate work. James, in turn, helped Herman, who is now a technical manager in Dallas. And to make a long story short, all nine children are successful college graduates. In 1984, all the children got together and bought a home for their parents.

That was then and that is now too. Today there are 37 Chandler grandchildren with more than 37 college degrees between them! The Bible says, ‘As he thinks within himself, so he is.’

If you convince yourself that you can’t, or allow others to convince you of that, then you won’t. But if you believe that by God’s grace you can, then you will! If the Chandlers can do it, you can do it too. Forget what has happened in the past! Every day God gives you the choice to begin your life over again.

SoulFood: Ex 36–38, Matt 8:1–9, Ps 81, Pr 2:11–15
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2022

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