Standing on His promise

Apr 3, 2020

‘...He who comes to God must believe that…He is a rewarder...’Hebrews 11:6 NAS

Christopher Pylant’s parents refused to believe there was no hope for their son who’d been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour. After studying the x–rays, neurosurgeon Ben Carson told them, ‘There’s no way I can encourage you.’ ‘The experts told us that in Georgia,’ the mother replied, ‘but God led us to Baltimore and said there’s a doctor here who can help him. We believe you’re that doctor.’ Carson replied, ‘I’ll do my best,’ praying for a miracle. When he operated, Christopher’s brain stem looked like it had been consumed by cancer, and without that there’s no real life. In the waiting room he told the Pylants, ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t help your son. We’ve all prayed but sometimes God works in ways we don’t understand.’ They never wavered, saying, ‘God’s going to heal our son. We’re standing on His promise.’ Carson admired their faith, but the evidence was irrefutable. For three days little Christopher was in a coma, but his eyes were focusing and his physical movements improved. Following another scan Carson re-operated, and after removing the cancerous mass in layers and cleaning out the crevices, there it was—a healthy brain stem, distorted, but intact! Taking their son home a month later, his parents and the doctor thanked God together for a miracle. ‘...He who comes to God must believe that… He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.’ The neurosurgeon said, ‘As they walked out of the hospital that day… glory shone on their faces, and I heard my mother telling me again, “If you ask God for something believing He’ll do it… He’ll do it.”’

SoulFood: Est 5–10, Matt 26:65–75, Ps 18:1–29, Pro 26:24–27
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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