Simplifying doesn’t have to be complicated

Sep 10, 2024

‘Do not worry about your life.’Matthew  6:25 NKJV

We tend to complicate our lives unnecessarily. Jesus said: ‘Do not worry about your life … the birds … neither sow … reap nor gather into barns … yet your … heavenly Father feeds them’ (Matthew 6:25-26 NKJV). Charlie Shedd pastored a large church with many demands. He and his wife created this simplicity list:

Make sure you need to simplify. Your problem may be inertia … because you aren’t doing enough. Selfishness never simplifies - it complicates.

Remember why you’re here. Put God’s will first. You unclutter by having a pivotal purpose on which your life swings.

Drop useless goals. Don’t wear yourself out on meaningless pursuits. You frustrate yourself by dedicating your life to the unimportant.

You can’t do everything. If God intended you to be six people, he’d have divided you up! Leave some ‘world building’ to others.

Live one day at a time. Plan and hope for the future—but don’t live there. ‘Each day has enough trouble of its own’ (Matthew 6:34 NIV). Live well today, and tomorrow’s strength will come.

Wherever you are—be there. Stop thinking happiness comes at five o’clock, or at the evening’s party, or when you fall asleep. Live in the present.

Develop a hobby. A change of activity keeps you fresh. Time spent playing is time well spent.

You can’t slow the world, so slow yourself. Learn to gear down. When you can’t alter the pace, retire to the inner sanctuary and alter yourself.

Adopt the perfect pattern: Christ, whose life cut history squarely in two. Follow Him as He lives a mighty life in quiet confidence. ‘Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 2:5 KJV).

SoulFood: Josh 22-24, Luke 20:27-40, Ps 27, Pro 23:16-18
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

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