Commit to the relationship (3)

Aug 7, 2024

‘Now Jonathan again caused David to vow, because he loved him.’1 Samuel 2 0:17 NKJV

For a relationship to succeed, both parties must be totally committed to it. Today let’s look at some more of the reasons why we may be afraid to commit.

1) Consider whether you have real feelings for your partner or whether you are biding your time until somebody better comes along. In other words, be honest with yourself because your happiness depends on it.

2) Talk about your specific fears with your partner. Let them know if, for example, you fear they will try to change you. Or, you feel emasculated [weakened] if you don’t submit to them. You may fear that if the marriage fails they might take your money and leave you impoverished. You may fear they might restrict time with other people you care about, or that they may demand too much of your attention. You must honestly share your feelings and request feedback to your concerns.

3) Try a 30 day interval of no contact with your romantic interest and find out how life would feel without him or her. Some non-committed relationships are merely for convenience, so assess your feelings apart from the inconvenience you will endure. Convenience is a weak foundation for a marriage.

4) Re-examine your expectations. Don’t expect your partner to fulfil every facet of your life. For example, if you love fishing, find friends to enjoy it with, and be happy that your partner is faithful, loving, and laughs a lot. And one more thought: there is an emptiness within each of us that only God can fill. And when He does, we require less from our partner and learn how to become a better partner.

SoulFood: 1 Chr 3:1 – 4:23, Luke 11:29-44, Ps 78:65-72, Pro 20:11-14
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2024

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