Recognise When You Need Help

Nov 14, 2020

‘...Moses…became so tired…Aaron and Hur…stood on each side… holding up his hands...’Exodus 17:11–12 NLT

We like to think of ourselves as self–sufficient, but it’s wise to know when you need help. When Israel was fighting the Amalekites, as long as Moses held up his staff the Israelites were winning. But when he lowered it the enemy gained the advantage. Like the rest of us, Moses was human and his ‘arms… became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side… holding up his hands.’ God not only gave Israel the victory that day, He showed Moses there are times when we all need help. Mark Roberts says: ‘I remember a time I was deeply discouraged… I questioned whether I was the right person to pastor the church… A friend sensed my despair… took me out for coffee and listened to my concerns. He took time to [remind me] of all the ways God was using my leadership… He helped me gain the perspective I’d lost. By the end of our time together, I felt encouraged, ready to continue… I’ll always be thankful for the way “he held up my hands”.’ Most of us find it easier to give help than to receive it. Sometimes accepting help means giving up your role as the martyr or victim, tearing down walls of independence you’ve spent years building and letting other people be there for you. If that sounds like you, pray this prayer: ‘Lord, You know I tend to rely on myself. Help me to accept the gift You’ve given me in the people who want to support and encourage me.’

SoulFood: 1 Chr 19:1–23:20, John 11:1–16, Ps 4, Pro 26:17–22
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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